SWAIA Fashion Week

Gratitude to SWAIA Fashion Week 2024 and Amber Dawn Bear Robe for curating me into this symposium and runway fashion show featuring pop ups, activations, VIP parties, and fashion shows. “After 102 years of promoting Native Art, we proudly present the first-ever U.S. Native Fashion Week. Witness a dynamic week and captivating runway shows featuring the finest creations by Native American and Indigenous Canadian designers. Delve deeper into the artistry stemming from rich heritages and celebrate the power of fashion as a language that transcends generations.”

Sunday May 5, I premiered Mashkiki is Movement featuring 13 looks, design logo by Jason Lujan. A combo of one of a kind existing outfits warn in previous performances alongside new creations. Mashkiki is a translation for medicine and plants that means strength of the earth this celebration of materials, colours, fabrics and textures were brought to life by an all Indigenous line up of models. Jewelry by Only Child Handicraft, and stylist Swaneige Barrs.

This powerful use of textiles, symbolism, and the sheer craft of these rising stars completed the finale show of SNFW 2024 with designers:

  • Randy Leigh Barton
  • Maria Hupfield
  • Heather Bouchier X Indi City
  • Himikalas Pamela Baker of T.O.C. Legends
  • Orlando Dugi

Models included: Aiyana Noisyhawk, Dakota Beavers, Destiny Gabriel, Heidy Brown, Fred Morgan, Royce Harvey, Stephanie Herald, Robert Allan, Nina Polk, A’nglee Clause, Meadow, Kyleigh Horn, and Myranda Fabiola.

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